Coast Guard Documented Vessel

Your Qs Answered: What Does “Coast Guard Documented Vessel” Mean?

Have you been wondering exactly what a “Coast Guard documented vessel” is? Do you read phrases like “Certificate of Documentation” and it all feels a bit alien, a bit like “legalese” to you? If so, you aren’t alone. So many of us at our site are vessel owners ourselves, so we understand how vessel documentation…

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Coast Guard Portal

Accessible and Easy-to-Use Coast Guard Portal

Tired of struggling with clunky online portals that make filling out your vessel documentation feel like a Herculean task? You deserve better. At the National Documentation Portal, our Coast Guard Portal is designed to be as simple to use as possible. Instead of struggling to find and complete your forms, you can complete them in…

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Steps to Follow to Acquire Your Cruising Permit

Steps to Follow to Acquire Your Cruising Permit

Foreign-flagged boats and other types of recreational vessels that come from different countries need to apply for a cruising permit. This Boat Documentation must have mutual arrangements with the US. Upon issuance of this permit, the captain of the vessel gets exempted from having to: File manifestos, acquire permits or accomplish any related entry or…

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how to sell a documented vessel

How to Sell a Documented Vessel With the Right Paperwork

As a first-time boat owner, you may stress a little bit when transferring ownership of a documented vessel, as it can be a complicated process. As a United States Coast Guard (USCG) vessel owner, you need to ensure to have all of the proper documentation before selling your boat. This article will go through the…

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