When your vessel isn’t running as well as you would like, do you take it to a mechanic? Have you found that, while you can perform so many boat maintenance tasks yourself, it’s easier when you get some help from the professionals? For so many vessel owners, a professional boat mechanic helps the vessel to…
Renewal of Certificate of Documentation: What Vessel Owners Need To Know
If you are the owner of a USCG vessel, you must maintain the most recent versions of the essential papers to sail lawfully and without incident. The CG 1280 Renewal of Certificate of Documentation (COD) procedure doesn’t have to be as difficult as you think, and that’s the good news! In this article, we will…
How To Document a Vessel Online
Are you considering documenting a vessel? If this is the case, you are aware that the task of maintaining your sailboat is a significant one. Not only do you have to ensure that it is kept in excellent mechanical condition, but you also have to ensure that it is registered and recorded correctly. To our…
Renew Coast Guard Documentation Online
Just like a car, it is necessary to renew Coast Guard Documentation every year. Failing to renew your documentation will leave you with an expired certificate of documentation. Operating your vessel with an invalid certificate of documentation will leave you liable to potential fines and penalties. Renewing your documentation every year will let you continue…
Documented Vessel Facts: Should You Get Documentation?
As the owner of a yacht, it is essential for you to have a good understanding of the advantages of having a documented vessel and what it can do for you. Documentation is necessary for international commerce because it serves as evidence of ownership, establishes maritime liens, and creates maritime liens. Owning a boat is…
Are You a Good Fit for American Vessel Documentation?
Have you been trying to determine whether or not American vessel documentation is right for you and your vessel? Did you look up the benefits of documentation and wonder how they would apply to your situation? The process can be perplexing, with seemingly contradictory rules surrounding which vessels must be documented and which may be…
Is it Time for Your Boat Documentation Renewal?
You have had your boat for a year now, and you have loved every minute of boat ownership. With all the times you have spent out on the waters fishing, traveling to other islands and countries, enjoying the sights and sounds, and spending time with friends and family, your ship is easily the best investment…
How to Make US Vessel Registration Simple
What comes to mind when you think of “filling out US Vessel Registration?” For many vessel owners, the images are not kind ones: vessel owners hunched over forms, meticulously and nervous writing out the proper words in hopes that they don’t make a single mistake. Or, alternately, perhaps you imagine being in a dark room,…
Register Boat With Coast Guard in Just a Few Minutes Flat
Are you debating whether or not it’s time to register your boat with the Coast Guard? Does it seem like that might be the right course of action, but you want to know more before deciding to do so? If you have decided to do it, are you looking for the easiest possible way to…
Documenting a Vessel (Without Losing Your Mind)
Documenting a vessel shouldn’t be difficult. It shouldn’t be the kind of process that takes up hours of your time or keeps you from doing other important tasks. Indeed, that’s why we made our site. When you use our site to document your vessel, you can take a task that used to require hours and…