How To Renew Coast Guard Documentation For Your Vessel

Traveling by yacht is one of the most wonderful experiences you can have, and getting out on the water has proven to be as delightful as you imagined it would be. In all this excitement and enjoyment, you might forget that a year has passed, and it’s necessary to renew Coast Guard documentation. You might…

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What “Vessel Documentation Center” Really Means

What “Vessel Documentation Center” Really Means

At Vessel Documentation Online, we believe that our site should be all about vessel documentation. That may sound obvious, but in this industry, it’s unique. We don’t offer anything but an easier way to handle your vessel documentation. We’re not looking to sell subscriptions, or boat parts and accessories on the side, or anything like…

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US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation

The Importance of US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation

When you acquire a new ship, you can choose to register it with the US Coast Guard. For larger vessels, particularly those which you will be using in a commercial capacity, you may prefer to take out US coast guard vessel documentation. There are several factors involved in achieving documentation for your new boat, and…

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