USCG Boat Registration Requirements

Understanding USCG Boat Registration Requirements for Your Vessel

Have you felt like documenting your vessel might be the right course of action, but you aren’t 100% sure? Are you in the process of making up your mind and just want to know the specifics? As vessel owners ourselves, we’ve found that there is quite a bit of misinformation out there in regards to…

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how to document a vessel

How to Document a Vessel Online Easily and Quickly

Are you wondering how to document a vessel? For boat owners who have not gone through the procedure or have just bought a vessel, it might be perplexing what is necessary for a Certificate of Documentation. A good example is that, in certain instances, you will be required to send images of your vessel. According…

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Vessel Registration

Key Facts You Should Know About New Vessel Registration Requirements

If you are the owner of a USCG vessel, you must be aware of the new vessel registration. Since the Maritime Transportation Security Act was passed in 2002, all vessels operating inside the United States seas have been obliged to register with the United States Coast Guard (USCG). The owners of boats are being requested…

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USCG Registration

USCG Registration, Boat Safety, and You

Has the weather gotten so nice in your area that you feel like you just have to take your vessel out on the water? More and more places all over America are feeling that spring has finally sprung and summer is soon to follow. If your vessel has spent all winter in storage, now may…

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Vessel Registration

What You Need To Know About Vessel Registration Before You Buy a Boat

Learning about vessel registration and its significance before purchasing a boat is smart. Registering a boat with the appropriate authorities at the state and federal levels is a legal requirement. To the uninitiated, this may seem like unnecessary red tape, but rest assured that it is there for your protection and to help you get…

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how long does it take to get a boat registered

How Long Does it Take to Get a Boat Registered in the US??

Although your boat is probably already documented at a state level it is never too late to register it at a federal level and that means with the United States Coast Guard (USCG). For that reason, this article will explore some of the advantages that documenting your boat with the USCG will grant you, and…

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How to Register a Boat with Coast Guard

How to Register a Boat with Coast Guard Quickly, Easily, and Efficiently

Have you been trying to figure out how to register a boat with Coast Guard the best way? Does it feel like registering a vessel shouldn’t be as difficult as it is? Before we started our site, we were just vessel owners, just like you, trying to find the best way to register their vessels…

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