Don’t Forget Your Coast Guard License Renewal

Don’t Forget Your Coast Guard License Renewal

With the summer months in full swing in the United States, boat owners all over the country have been getting their vessels out of the marinas and into the open waters. Now is the perfect time of year to take vacations for days or weeks, or just spend the day sailing an area, fishing, swimming,…

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An Easier Way to Get On the Coast Guard Boat Registration Database

Our USCG Vessel Registry On Safe Boating During COVID-19

This blog is written during the COVID-19 pandemic. As vessel owners, we can adapt to pretty much anything. However, this pandemic has upended and disrupted the world, leaving plenty of uncertainty in its wake. Our USCG vessel registry online site is still open for business. As always, you can go to our site and find…

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boat documentation renewal

Boat Documentation Renewal from A to Z, Shore to Sea

Are you looking for an easier way to complete the boat documentation renewal? Have you ever tried to renew your documentation online yet it took far, far longer than it should? At our vessel documentation site, we don’t believe that renewal documentation, or really any vessel documentation, should be challenging or time-consuming to fill out….

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USCG application

Initial Vessel USCG Application: Application to Boat How You Want

Have you found a great maritime business opportunity and want the right kind of vessel documentation to take advantage of it? Are you in the middle of your initial vessel USCG application and aren’t sure exactly which endorsement to choose? So much of the language that’s associated with vessel documentation is jargon, the kinds of…

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USCG PSIX vessel search

USCG PSIX Vessel Search: Uncover Your Boat’s Secrets

Do you plan on buying a used boat to sail US waters this new season? This task can be an exciting adventure, but going into it with your eyes wide open is essential. You can perform a USCG PSIX vessel search at our website in an easy, safe way.  Our website is SSL encrypted, so…

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