Vessel's Certificate of Documentation

The USCG Changed the Vessel Certificate of Documentation to 5 Years

As you may have heard by now, if you are on the boat’s universe, the vessel’s certificate of documentation (COD) lasts longer now: if you sail on a recreational boat you can extend your certificate for 5 years every time it expires. If you want to know more about this new regimentation keep reading while…

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National Vessel Documentation Center

What is the National Vessel Documentation Center?

Vessel documentation is, in a few words, a national form of registration. It is also one of the oldest functions of Government and it dates back to the 11th Act of the First Congress. This documentation provides conclusive evidence of nationality for international purposes as well as the habilitations for certain restricted trades. Since 1920,…

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46 CFR Part 67 (Subpart I) And Vessel Marking Requirements

If you have a large vessel, it is important to understand USCG regulations regarding boating. These are the rules that you are obliged to follow when operating your vessel in US waters. If you do not comply with these rules, then you may be fined heavily, or worse. If you are just beginning ownership of…

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A Lower USCG Vessel Documentation Renewal Fee

A Lower USCG Vessel Documentation Renewal Fee

The word “fee” can have many different definitions. Most often, “fee” refers to money, how much you’re paying for something. However, it can also mean “payment,” which is not necessarily currency. A “fee” could be having to sacrifice something or give something up. So, when we say that we offer a “lower USCG vessel documentation…

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documentation service

A Better Quality of Vessel Documentation Service

Have you been looking for a vessel documentation service that actually does make the vessel documentation process easier? Are you tired of having to spend way too much time completing vessel documentation forms that could be done in a few minutes? We hear you. Those were some of our concerns as vessel owners, which led…

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