USCG documentation search by name

USCG Documentation Search by Name and Number at Home or Abroad

Have you been looking for the perfect vessel but worry that you aren’t getting “the full story?” Do you know a vessel’s name or number and aren’t sure about how to find out more? This is one more area where we can help. At Vessel Documentation Online, we have forms that can enable you to…

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USCG vessel documentation search

The Importance of a USCG Vessel Documentation Search You Can Trust

Have you been looking for a way to find out more information about a vessel before you buy it? Does it seem like everywhere you go online to get more data about a boat seems less reputable than the one before it? When you’re researching a vessel, you have to know the facts. You can’t…

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Documented Vessel

Does A Documented Vessel Need to Be Registered in Florida?

There is a possibility that owners of documented vessels are pondering whether or not they are required to register their vessels in Florida. There is no need for a documented vessel to be registered in the state of Florida to answer your question in a nutshell, but there are certain essential details to bear in…

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documented vessel

Buying A Documented Vessel – What You Need To Know

A documented vessel is an option worth considering if you’re in the market for a new boat. Precisely what does it entail, and what advantages does it provide? What you need to know before purchasing a legally registered boat. Vessels recorded by the U.S. Coast Guard are “documented vessels” in the United States. You may…

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National Documentation Center

National Documentation Center Explanation of Endorsements

Have you been unsure as to which kind of documentation endorsement is appropriate for your vessel? Does the entire thing seem a bit more confusing than it should be? Vessel documentation jargon can seem opaque, out of date, and just downright difficult to understand. After all, much of it is “legalese,” in some cases going…

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U S vessel documentation

US Vessel Documentation: Legally Document Your Boat in the United States

If you own a boat in the United States, you need to register it with the Coast Guard so that it may legally travel the waterways. If you are not a U.S. citizen but want to operate your boat in U.S. waters, you must process U.S. vessel documentation with the USCG. All boats operating in…

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