National Vessel Documentation Center forms

National Vessel Documentation Center Forms

Are you in the process of looking for the perfect boat? Or, have you owned your boat for a while and are looking for documentation to reflect changes in your life? Here at Vessel Documentation Online, we’ve helped vessel owners with their documentation at every step of vessel ownership. There is nothing, nothing in life…

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coast guard vessel documentation status

Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Status Changes Made Simple

Have you been looking to change your vessel’s documentation status but found it’s more difficult than you would like? When you start to research what it would take to alter your Coast Guard vessel documentation status, does it feel as if your head is swimming? The National Documentation Portal was specifically designed to help with…

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Vessel Ownership

NVDC Help for Every Stage of Vessel Ownership

Have you grown weary of always having to go from one site to the next to find all of the vessel documentation forms that you need? Does it feel like sometimes you spend more time searching for and completing documentation than you do actually being on your vessel? These are common, understandable concerns. At Vessel…

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A Coast Guard Documented Vessel Bill Of Sale

Why You Must Have A Coast Guard Documented Vessel Bill Of Sale

You have decided to buy a second-hand boat that is on the US Coast Guard registry, and know that in order to successfully complete the purchase and record that the seller is no longer the owner of the boat, you will have to obtain a coast guard documented vessel bill of sale. This is essential…

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yacht documentation

Yacht Documentation for Your Recreational Vessel

There is a common misconception among new vessel owners regarding recreational vessels, such as yachts, and their registration with the United States Coast Guard. Some people will say you only have to register commercial vessels, but they’d be mistaken. If your yacht fulfills the criteria outlined below, you will have to get your yacht documentation…

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Vessel Documentation

Vessel Documentation to Help You Change Course

Has a misfortune befallen your vessel, causing you to have to change the course of your life? Have you recently encountered a watery mishap with your boat, leaving you feeling adrift and unsure of your next move? Our portal can help. Here, we offer vessel documentation solutions to help you through any stage of vessel…

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What Is the USCG Certificate of Documentation CG-1270 Code?

You must be familiar with the form CG-1270 code, sometimes referred to as the Certificate of Documentation, if you are a yacht owner in the United States. The United States Coast Guard provides this certificate. It may demonstrate that your vessel satisfies specific standards, including its size and ability to withstand the elements at sea….

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