Certificate of Documentation

A Certificate of Documentation and Safe Boating: Hand in Hand

There’s nothing like boating in summer. Sure, when you go out on your boat in the winter, with the crisp wind in your hair, the leafless trees on the shore, white as far as the eye can see, that’s special. But it’s not summer. It’s not the warm sun, the cool air, swimsuits, suntans, and…

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documented vessel

The Requirements and Categories for a Documented Vessel

Maintaining a registered documented vessel will require a lot of attention to each process, but they all have to start somewhere. If you have never documented a vessel, it’s important to know about exactly who gets to document a vessel in the United States. Not only that, but there are different categories under which it’s…

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Documentation Forms

Beyond Documentation Forms: Boating Safely in Early Spring

As the snow thaws and the temperatures begin to rise, have you been thinking about getting your boat out of storage? Or, like many, have you been taking your boat out all year long? Here at the National Documentation Portal, we offer access to documentation forms for vessel owners from all walks of life. No…

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National Vessel Documentation Center forms

National Vessel Documentation Center Forms

Are you in the process of looking for the perfect boat? Or, have you owned your boat for a while and are looking for documentation to reflect changes in your life? Here at Vessel Documentation Online, we’ve helped vessel owners with their documentation at every step of vessel ownership. There is nothing, nothing in life…

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coast guard vessel documentation status

Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Status Changes Made Simple

Have you been looking to change your vessel’s documentation status but found it’s more difficult than you would like? When you start to research what it would take to alter your Coast Guard vessel documentation status, does it feel as if your head is swimming? The National Documentation Portal was specifically designed to help with…

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Vessel Ownership

NVDC Help for Every Stage of Vessel Ownership

Have you grown weary of always having to go from one site to the next to find all of the vessel documentation forms that you need? Does it feel like sometimes you spend more time searching for and completing documentation than you do actually being on your vessel? These are common, understandable concerns. At Vessel…

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yacht documentation

Yacht Documentation for Your Recreational Vessel

There is a common misconception among new vessel owners regarding recreational vessels, such as yachts, and their registration with the United States Coast Guard. Some people will say you only have to register commercial vessels, but they’d be mistaken. If your yacht fulfills the criteria outlined below, you will have to get your yacht documentation…

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