Coast Guard Boat Registration Database

Getting the Coast Guard Boat Registration Database Right: Endorsements

Do you know exactly how you’re going to use your vessel and want to be sure that you’re in compliance with the authorities? Are you hoping to get a Preferred Ship’s Mortgage for your vessel? If you answered “yes” to either of those questions (and your vessel measures at least five net tons in volume)…

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Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Endorsements Explained

Coast Guard Vessel Documentation Endorsements Explained

Are you crystal clear about the purpose of your vessel, yet grappling with the endorsement question? Has the Coast Guard Vessel Documentation application left you stranded at section J, where the enigmatic question of “Endorsements for Which Application is Made?” looms? At our National Documentation Portal, our mission is to simplify the entire documentation journey,…

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A Coast Guard Documented Vessel Bill Of Sale

Why You Must Have A Coast Guard Documented Vessel Bill Of Sale

You have decided to buy a second-hand boat that is on the US Coast Guard registry, and know that in order to successfully complete the purchase and record that the seller is no longer the owner of the boat, you will have to obtain a coast guard documented vessel bill of sale. This is essential…

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