Just as is the case whenever you are making any large purchase like buying a car or a home, when you buy a boat you know there is going to be paperwork you need to fill out. Not only will there be legal paperwork involved regarding the purchase and the financing you may seek to…
Tag: best boat documentation service
When You Buy Your First U.S. Vessel
You have been searching around for the perfect boat for quite a while now, and you think you have finally found the one that you really want. It has all the features you are looking for, both inside and out, and is right at the ideal price point for you. It looks like the sale…
Getting a Good Start to 2024 With Your US Boat Documentation
Do you find yourself procrastinating on completing your vessel documentation? Do you take every opportunity to put off getting it done? If you’re like so many other vessel owners, it can feel like there’s always something else that you’d rather be doing. Here at our National Documentation Portal, we do everything in our power to…
Make Your USCG Documented Vessel Search Easy
Make Your USCG Documented Vessel Search Easy Even though we live in the Information age today, where there is data and information all around us at the touch of a button, finding the information you require is not always as easy as it might seem. For things like getting the background on a used boat…
Who is and Who Isn’t Eligible for Boat Documentation
Have you contemplated the option of obtaining USCG documentation for your vessel, yet find yourself in a haze of uncertainty regarding your qualification? Are the potential advantages of documentation intriguing, but the eligibility criteria appear a bit opaque? These are precisely the inquiries that prompted the establishment of our Boat Documentation site – a beacon…
U.S. Coast Guard Documentation You May Need
Buying a yacht or another large marine vessel for the first time might seem exciting. However, the whole process can be quite tricky. There are several U.S. Coast Guard Documentation you may need in order to achieve your goal. The whole process can be tricky for most of us. There are many different types of…
Vessel Documentation Services Plus
For many of our customers, we’re the first time they’ve had to use vessel documentation services. Perhaps it’s the first time you’ve had your own boat and have to get a Certificate of Documentation. Or alternately, maybe it’s the first time that you’ve gone to the trouble to get the documentation. Regardless, we can help…
May I Renew My Vessel Documentation Early?
May I renew my Vessel Documentation early? The US Coast Guard Documentation Center will send you a renewal notice 45 days before your certificate expires. It means that you can submit your application for renewal before the expiration date. It is now easy to submit your renewal application. At vessedocumentation.us, you may go to the…
Answering Your Boat Documentation Questions
Does vessel documentation seem far more complicated than it has any right to be? Do you have burning questions about boat documentation that seem to lack clear answers? Look no further. Our website isn’t just a platform for vessel owners to register their boats; it’s also a knowledge hub tailored to cater to all your…
The Importance of US Coast Guard Vessel Documentation
When you acquire a new ship, you can choose to register it with the US Coast Guard. For larger vessels, particularly those which you will be using in a commercial capacity, you may prefer to take out US coast guard vessel documentation. There are several factors involved in achieving documentation for your new boat, and…