What Is An Abstract Of Title

What Is An Abstract Of Title? Understanding This Important Certificate

As the brand-new owner of a vessel in US waters, you may be wondering exactly what is an abstract of title? It is important as a boat owner for you to understand the principles behind this documentation, including learning how it can help you, and what information the title will include. As a brand-new owner,…

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Abstract of Title

Abstract of Title Vessel Renewal: All in One Form in One Place

Do you require many different kinds of forms for your vessel documentation? Does it seem as if you can never find an abstract of title vessel renewal forms (among many others) all on the same site? We named our site “the “National Documentation Portal” for a reason: this is a place where vessel owners from…

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US Coast Guard documentation center

Our US Coast Guard Documentation Center Sets Us Apart

Have you been trying to find somewhere online you trust with your vessel documentation? Does each US Coast Guard documentation center seem less trustworthy than the last? When it comes to your vessel, your money, and your information, you can’t be too careful. Just as you would be cautious when putting gasoline into your vessel…

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Preferred Ship Mortgage

Understanding the Preferred Ship Mortgage

So what is a preferred ship mortgage? It is a type of mortgage that protects you as the lender. Maritime liens other than preferred Maritime Liens do not prioritize First Preferred Ship’s Mortgages, which are lodged against vessels registered with the United States Coast Guard. A First Preferred Ship’s Mortgage is a mortgage recorded against…

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uscg boat documentation

USCG Boat Documentation for the Modern Seafarer

In the dynamic seascape of modern maritime regulations, USCG Boat Documentation has evolved beyond a bureaucratic necessity. Join us as the National Documentation Portal sheds light on the multifaceted role of documentation for today’s seafarers, navigating compliance waters with efficiency and purpose. Explore the historical trajectory of USCG Boat Documentation, from its humble paper origins…

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The Role of the NVDC in Preserving Maritime Heritage

Maritime heritage is a tapestry woven with the threads of history, culture, and human ingenuity. At the heart of preserving this heritage lies the National Vessel Documentation Center. As a pivotal authority overseeing documented vessels in the United States, the NVDC plays an often-overlooked yet vital role in safeguarding the legacy of our maritime past….

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