Coast Guard vessel documentation

Applying for the Coast Guard Vessel Documentation For the First Time

Did you recently purchase a vessel of a certain size? Do you know how you want to use your vessel but aren’t sure of all of the paperwork involved? There’s nothing quite so exciting as purchasing a vessel. Whether it’s the first time or the hundredth, you can feel the potential and promise from the…

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Certificate of Documentation Lookup

Blockchain and Certificate of Documentation Lookup

In the age of digital transformation, emerging technologies are reshaping industries, and the maritime sector is no exception. One area experiencing a remarkable shift is a certificate of documentation lookup. In this article, we explore the impact of blockchain and other emerging technologies on this critical process, guided by the National Documentation Portal. The Certificate…

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Coast Guard portal

Coast Guard Portal for People Who Want to Get it Done Fast and Right

Are you looking for an easier way to complete your Coast Guard documentation? Does it seem like every “documentation center” you click on doesn’t make the process easier, but in some cases, actually makes it more confusing? As a vessel owner, a person with responsibilities and a life to lead, you don’t have all of…

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Protect Your Boat With A Coast Guard Vessel Registry

Vessels operating in US waters are under the jurisdiction of the United States Coast Guard, and if you want to make sure that your vessel is completely protected by this agency, you need to file for a certificate of documentation. If you are sailing this boat as a pleasure craft, or as a commercial investment,…

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Boat Documentation Cost

Low Boat Documentation Cost: In Terms of Time, Money, and More

The Coast Guard and yacht brokers recommend that all vessel owners have up-to-date documentation. However, the annual renewal boat documentation cost might be prohibitive for some boat owners. You’ll learn in this article how much documentation will cost you based on your income and the approach you choose to document your vessel. The Coast Guard…

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Documented Vessel Number: Key to Boating How You Want

Do you want the freedom to use your vessel how you want? Have you gotten everything together that you need to get your commercial boating venture “off the ground” (so to speak) and don’t want to be hassled? That’s what a documented vessel number can do. Depending on your vessel and your circumstances, the Maritime…

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how long does it take to get a boat registered

How Long Does it Take to Get a Boat Registered in the US??

Although your boat is probably already documented at a state level it is never too late to register it at a federal level and that means with the United States Coast Guard (USCG). For that reason, this article will explore some of the advantages that documenting your boat with the USCG will grant you, and…

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how do I get an abstract of title

How Do I Get an Abstract of Title for a US Vessel?

As a new acquisition to the boating world, chances are you are not yet familiar with the different boat denominations, or even the pertinent boat documentation. People normally reach out to us and ask us questions such as “what is the difference between a reinstatement and a renewal?” or “how does the process of transferring…

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