a Marad Waiver

Do You Qualify for a Marad Waiver?

The Maritime Administration of the United States (Marad) grants waivers of the existing regulations only when your intended purpose doesn’t cause “undue adverse effect” on other operators or shipbuilders. A Marad waiver exempts provisions that may occur under one particular set of circumstances. Primarily, it depends on the use to which you intend to use…

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lost boaters license

Lost Boaters License, Lost Documentation, What to Do

Did you recently lose your Certificate of Documentation and aren’t sure what to do? Did you suffer a lost boaters license and are researching the best course of action? At the National Documentation Portal, we help vessel owners with vessel documentation. Vessels that have been documented with the USCG are our forte. That said, there…

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marad waiver

What is the MARAD Waiver and How to Apply

US maritime laws are designed to protect US waterways and coastal waters and give preferred access to US-operated vessels, particularly along trade routes. Owners of vessels not built in the USA cannot get easy access to these prime routes but the US government doesn’t want to block all external trade so there are ways for foreign…

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Notice of Claim of Lien

When and How to File a Notice of Claim of Lien

Do you feel like someone who owns a documented vessel owes you money for work you did on or related to the vessel? Does it feel like there’s nothing you can do to get them to pay? That can be an incredibly powerless feeling. Moreover, it’s frustrating, because you did what you said you were…

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