MARAD Waiver

Using a Vessel Without American Vessel Documentation: the MARAD Waiver

Do you have a vessel that you want to use in a commercial capacity that isn’t documented? Did you recently receive a foreign-built vessel and want to see exactly how you can use it on American waters? These and similar scenarios are more common than many vessel owners realize. It’s true that there are stringent…

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MARAD Waiver

USCG Documentation Center on the MARAD Waiver: Use Your Boat How You Want

Did you recently acquire a foreign-built vessel and want to use it to make money somehow but aren’t sure about the legality of doing so? Have you found an opportunity for a small passenger vessel and want to have all of your “i’s dotted and t’s crossed” before taking advantage of it? Those are just…

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MARAD Waiver

Using a Vessel Without Coast Guard Documentation Status: MARAD Waiver

Do you have a small, undocumented vessel that you want to use, but aren’t sure how to do so while being in compliance with the authorities? Is there a foreign-built vessel in your possession that’s just sitting there without Coast Guard documentation status? We understand that when it comes to vessel documentation, some of the…

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