Any time that you engage in a substantial transaction like buying a house or a car, you know that there is going to be necessary paperwork to go along with taking care of the deal. It does not matter if you are the one doing the selling or the buying – you are still going…
Author: NVDC Renewal
NVDC: A Closer Look at the National Vessel Documentation Center
The National Vessel Documentation Center (NVDC) is a vital organization that plays a crucial role in the maritime industry. Boasting a rich history and serving as the primary authority for vessel documentation in the United States, the National Vessel Documentation Center ensures compliance, facilitates vessel ownership transfers, and supports the overall safety and security of…
An NVDC for All: What the Vessel Registrar Center Does
Have you been looking for an easier way to file your vessel documentation? Does it seem as if it should be easier to take care of all the forms you need for your vessel? Those are just a few of the reasons that we started the Vessel Registrar Center in the first place. Here, we…
Best Practices for Filling Out a Transfer of Ownership Form
Embark on a secure journey with Vessel Documentation Online as we unveil the best practices for filling out a transfer of ownership form. From legal nuances to practical tips, this guide ensures that the process is not just paperwork but a voyage towards a seamless change of vessel ownership. Why Transfer of Ownership Forms Matter…
Beyond USCG Documentation Search by Name
With our site, you can do a lot more than just fill out forms. The main thrust of our site is that you can find all of the USCG forms that you might need for your vessel. Abstract of Title, Certified Copy, all that kind of thing – it’s easily accessible on our site. However,…
Boat Documentation Renewal to Get You on the Water Legally Faster
You’re all ready for your big boat trip. You’ve got everyone together, you’ve got a boat plan, you’ve got the necessary supplies, the weather is fantastic, everything is ready to go. Then, you get on the boat, and… you notice it’s out of fuel. Or, you notice the fuel line has a hole, the engine…
The Difference Between Vessel Documentation Reinstatement vs Renewal
As you may have noticed by now, regardless of the type of boat information you are looking for, you will be able to find it at Vessel Documentation Online. Here, you can learn more about how to get your initial, what a Certificate of Documentation (CoD) is, or the definition of an abstract of title,…
USCG COD: Your Ticket to Use Your Vessel How You Want
Are you thinking about documenting your vessel? Do you feel like you’re “on the fence” as to whether or not you should do it (or have to do it?) That’s perfectly understandable. Even experienced maritime professionals may not be 100% sure about what vessels require documentation and which don’t. Here at the National Documentation Portal,…
How to Register a Boat Without a Title: A State-by-State Guide – Part. 2
Navigating the waters of boat registration can seem like sailing through uncharted territory, but with the right compass, becoming shipshape is simpler than you might think. Whether you’re a boat owner, supplier, or broker, understanding the ins and outs of boat registration is essential. In today’s blog, we’ll demystify the process for five states, ensuring…
Coast Guard Form 1258: Where it All Starts
Every journey has a beginning. When you go out on your vessel, you could say the trip begins when you make that walk down the pier, when you get on the boat, or when you cast off from the dock itself. When it comes to vessel documentation, for many vessel owners, the journey begins with…