What Should a Float Plan Contain for Safety Requirements

what should a float plan contain

Now that summer is upon us, are you thinking about going out on the water with friends and family? Safety is key whenever you’re on the water. Before you go out, ask yourself: “What should a float plan contain?” A float plan is a crucial document that boaters should create and share before heading out on the water. It contains important information that helps ensure their safety and allows others to assist in case of an emergency. 

What’s Usually Included in a Float Plan? 

When laying one out for people on land, be sure to include details about the boat, including its name, registration number, type, size, color, and any unique identifying features. Let them know your itinerary. Specify the intended route and destinations, including departure and arrival times, planned stops, and anticipated duration of the trip. You may even want to list the names, ages, contact numbers, and emergency contact details of all individuals on board, including their swimming abilities and any medical conditions.

How Can You Be Safer on the Boat? 

Be sure to have the right communication equipment. Include a description of the communication devices available on the boat, such as marine radio, cell phones, emergency beacons, or satellite phones. Don’t forget the safety equipment, either, such as life jackets, fire extinguishers, flares, first aid kits, and any other relevant safety gear. Everyone on board should know your emergency procedures, too. Describe the steps to be taken in case of an emergency, such as how to contact the authorities, who to notify, and any specific actions to be followed.

Who Needs a Float Plan?

A float plan is essential for all boaters, regardless of their experience level. It is particularly important for those planning longer trips, going offshore, or traveling to remote areas. Even if you’re just going out on the water for fun with friends and family, it’s a good practice to have a float plan in place to ensure safety.

What Should You Consider When Going Out on the Water? 

In addition to creating a float plan, here are some other important factors boaters should keep in mind when going out on the water for leisure activities. Keep on top of the weather. You don’t want to get caught by surprise out there. Include a personal flotation device (life jacket) for everyone on board. Make sure it fits over their clothing. Before you go, be certain that you have enough fuel to get back, or at least to get to where you can refuel. Remember, boating safety is paramount, so it’s crucial to be prepared, follow regulations, and prioritize the well-being of all passengers on board.

what should a float plan

National Documentation from Our Portal 

The above can keep you safe on the water as well as in compliance with rules and regulations. At our site, we can help you with staying in compliance with rules and regulations in regard to vessel documentation. To find all of the forms that you may potentially need throughout the course of using your vessel, check out our site today. Safe travels on the water!