Boat Bill Of Sale Explained: A 2022 Overview

Boat Bill of Sale

It is essential to have a solid understanding of the Boat Bill of Sale if you are the owner of a USCG vessel. This piece of paper is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of the sale of a boat, and it was drawn out between the buyer and the seller of the vessel. An adequately designed Boat Bill of Sale may be beneficial in reducing the likelihood of future disagreements. In today’s article, we will describe what a Boat Bill of Sale is and then take you step-by-step through the process of creating one using some of the most important factors to consider. If there is a disagreement or an accident, this document might give actual proof. When writing the bill of sale for your boat, be sure to include the following information:

The Full Name and Contact Information for Both the Buyer and Seller

According to, a written contract is essential when selling your boat and purchasing a new one. To help you get started, we’ve included a Boat Bill of Sale from our office. This document not only contains the buyer’s and seller’s complete names and addresses and contact information, but it also contains additional information on the transfer of ownership, such as who is responsible for paying State sales taxes and other fees. We can also assist you in determining who is liable for any damage to the boat that has already occurred or any repairs required before the transfer of ownership. Having an attorney evaluate this bill of sale before sending it out to be notarized is essential since it’s so detailed. Alternatively, you may download a free Boat Bill of Sale template from our website and fill it out online!

The Make, Model, and Registration Number of The Boat

The bill of sale is a document that transfers ownership of a boat from one individual to another. It is a document that is legally binding. Because of this, the information included on a bill of sale should be as specific as possible; the more data it contains, the simpler it will be to prove who owns what if something goes wrong. First, the buyer and seller must agree on what information will be included in the boat Bill of Sale. The following information is required: the make, model, year built, and registration number. If you intend to resell your boat within the next five years, you should also include the vehicle identification number (VIN). Do not be afraid to write down any additional information about your vessel that you feel is important for the new owner to know, such as the locations where it has been serviced or the names of any previous owners.

The Date of Sale

This identifies the time at which the transaction was completed. When you’re looking at boats online, it’s easy to get caught up in bidding wars, so when you emerge triumphant as the top bidder, you may be eager to finish your paperwork immediately. This might cause issues down the road if the seller changes their mind about selling the boat to you or if something comes up that makes you decide you no longer want the boat. If anything like this were to occur, you would have no means of proving how long you had held it; therefore, you should ensure reliable data is recorded for when you purchased it. Confusion, legal problems, and needless difficulties are all things that may be avoided by taking these steps in the future.

Boat Bill of Sale

The Purchase Price on the Boat Bill of Sale

Be sure to include the following information in your boat bill of sale: the purchase price of the boat, how much is being paid for the trailer and motor separately, who the boat is being bought from, the date of purchase (and when the boat will be delivered), a list of all personal property that is included with the boat, who will be responsible for maintenance and other costs associated with the boat, who will be responsible for taxes on the boat based on where it is kept and how much it is worth, and who will be responsible for registering If for some reason someone else were to claim ownership over your vessel in the future, having this documentation will provide you with evidence that you lawfully acquired your boat.

Boat bill of sale documentation may be complicated, and we at Vessel Documentation Online LLC understand that. We want you to know what to anticipate so that you can prepare. Legal documents, like boat bills of sale, include a long list of criteria. Registration of your boat will be based on the information you supply on your boat bill of sale. Contact Vessel Paperwork Online LLC for help with your boat documentation.