There are many times in vessel ownership that you might feel like you’ve truly accomplished something. The time you close the deal for your vessel is definitely one. When you first take it on the water is another. Perhaps when you finish renovating it to your liking is yet one more. Depending on the use, the first time you use it for your commercial enterprise, or the first time you take your family and friends on it certainly qualifies. Completing your USCG vessel registration successfully is one, and renewing it can be another. You can perform both of those actions and more at our site.
Initial USCG Vessel Registration
Our site was designed to make filling out essentially any necessary form of vessel documentation as easy as possible, and initial registration is no exception. At our site, you can click on “Initial” on the left and then simply fill out the form. If your vessel is more than five net tons and wholly-owned by a US citizen, then you are legally allowed to fill out this form and get your vessel documented. If you have any questions about your eligibility, the law itself, or anything else, don’t hesitate to reach out to us.
Renewing Your Documentation
Perhaps the most commonly used form at our site is the vessel renewal one. Vessel documentation, alas, is not something that lasts forever. In fact, you have to renew it annually. Even for the most conscientious vessel owner, it’s easy to lose track of this and forget. Those are just all the more reasons that we’ve made it as easy as possible to complete these forms. Just as you quickly went through the initial documentation form, you can do the same with the renewal one.

Renew for Years in Advance
One of the more annoying things about the entire vessel documentation process is that you have to do it year by year. If you go through our site, however, you don’t have to. Instead, you can actually renew your documentation for several years to come. The way this works is that you pay us a discounted fee for multiple years, and then we simply take care of it for you. It’s one more way that we can make the process that much easier for our clients. So, you can renew it for one, two, three, or even four more years. That means that for five years, for the next half-decade, you won’t have to worry about renewing your documentation.
More Forms than Just the Registration
Sure, the registration forms, both the initial and the renewal might be some of our most commonly used forms, but they’re far from the only forms that we offer. In fact, if you go to our site and look on the left, you’ll see all of the forms that you might potentially need for the duration of your vessel ownership and beyond. For more information or help filling out the forms, don’t hesitate to call us at (866) 981-8783.