If you are the owner of the vessel, then you will need to have some form of registration with either the state or the National Coast Guard. Documenting your vessel with the Coast Guard is the best way to be fully protected both in and out of US waters, and the paperwork can be easy to complete if you get the help of Vessel Documentation Online. We can help you complete important documentation, such as your application to the USCG for a certificate of documentation, and we will make sure that all of your paperwork is completed accurately in the first attempt so that you don’t have to risk rejection and additional charges when you refile. There are some simple ways for you to obtain your certificate.
Is Your Vessel Eligible?
Before you can seek help from our teams with your documentation process, it is important that you take the time to check that your vessel is eligible for documentation. For example, if your vessel is less than 27 feet in length, always less than five tons (net), then you will not have to obtain a certificate of documentation from the US Coast Guard. In addition, you must also meet the demands of the US Coast Guard, including being a US citizen. There may be other complications, such as when a vessel is bought from a non-US citizen having previously been granted registration in the US. In this situation, you need to obtain a new certificate but will need to renew the existing one. Understanding these requirements can make it easier for you to be fully prepared to apply for documentation.

Applying For Certification
If you decide that you want to make use of a certificate of documentation, then you need to obtain your documentation from the US Coast Guard website. Sometimes, this website can be hard to navigate, particularly if you are not used to it, and don’t quite know what you are looking for. You may need to contact us for help in finding the documentation that you require, and you may also want to have us help you in completing the requirements of the documentation, including making sure that you have included all the necessary paperwork, and completed the form in all the necessary areas. We can help you by checking your document before you submit it to the Coast Guard to make sure that everything is correct.
Reach Out To Us For Documentation Assistance
We know that it is not always easy to submit a form correctly the first time, particularly when it comes to government bureaucracy. If you have attempted to submit your USCG certificate of documentation but failed in your application, then you may need our help to make sure that it is completed accurately before you submit again. At Vessel Documentation Online, our team is always ready to assist you, so start speaking to them today, either by sending an email containing your details or by calling us on 1 (866) 981-8783 now.