Documented Vessel

Does A Documented Vessel Need to Be Registered in Florida?

There is a possibility that owners of documented vessels are pondering whether or not they are required to register their vessels in Florida. There is no need for a documented vessel to be registered in the state of Florida to answer your question in a nutshell, but there are certain essential details to bear in…

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documented vessel

Everything You Need To Know About Selling a Documented Vessel

Did you know that there are regulatory hoops you must jump through to sell a documented vessel? Are you familiar with the purpose of the hoops? No? Don’t worry about it since we’re here to assist you! This article on our blog will provide you with all the information you want about the sale of…

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Documented Vessel

Why Having a Documented Vessel is a Good Idea

You must have a solid understanding of what a “documented vessel” refers to if you are the owner of a US Coast Guard boat. “a vessel for which documentation of ownership and/or a declaration of national interest has been submitted with the Coast Guard,” as stated by the United States Coast Guard (USCG), is considered…

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Documented Vessel

Documented Vessel Facts: Should You Get Documentation?

As the owner of a yacht, it is essential for you to have a good understanding of the advantages of having a documented vessel and what it can do for you. Documentation is necessary for international commerce because it serves as evidence of ownership, establishes maritime liens, and creates maritime liens. Owning a boat is…

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