Did you just buy a boat and aren’t sure if USCG documentation is right for you? Are you only going to use it to have fun so you don’t see the point of documentation? Indeed, you may still want to document your vessel. There are plenty of reasons that folks have documented their recreational vessels through our site over the years.
If you’ve recently acquired a new or pre-owned large recreational boat, chances are you’ve been relishing the moments spent out on the water, soaking in the sea breeze and embracing the thrill of aquatic adventures. Owning a boat of this caliber opens up a world of exciting possibilities, allowing you to chart your own course and embark on thrilling journeys, to say the very least.
Obtaining United States Coast Guard documentation for your boat could significantly enhance your travel experience.
A Preference for a Preferred Ship’s Mortgage
Perhaps the most common reason that vessel owners choose to document their vessels when it isn’t required is for vessel financing. Indeed, undocumented vessels are not eligible for a First Preferred Ship’s Mortgage. You can find all of the documentation you need here at our site to apply for your initial Certificate.
You can also find what you’ll need to apply for a First Preferred Ship’s Mortgage, too. That said, not every vessel owner will be a good fit for this mortgage. Indeed, before applying, we do recommend that you speak to a maritime lawyer.
Of course, once you’ve paid off your mortgage, you can find the Satisfaction of Mortgage form at our site as well.
At Home In International Waters
A Certificate of Documentation issued by the Coast Guard serves as an international title document, endowing you with rights, privileges, and protections under the United States flag when navigating international waters. Unlike a basic state title and registration, this certificate provides more benefits.
The requirement for the owner of a documented vessel to be a U.S. citizen and furnish proof adds a layer of significance, symbolizing an extension of the U.S. flag’s protections to the vessel. This not only simplifies access to other countries but also ensures a smoother experience when docking at their ports during your travels.
Navigating the United States Coast Guard Documentation Process
Obtaining USCG documentation for your vessel involves meeting specific criteria.
For example, you, as the boat owner, must be a United States citizen, substantiated by adequate proof. Additionally, your vessel needs to measure at least five net tons in volume, a requirement easily met by most boats spanning twenty-six feet or more.

Simplify the USCG Documentation Process with us
Streamlining the application process for the United States Coast Guard documentation is made as hassle-free as possible through our services.
As a dedicated documentation service, we handle the filing of your forms and information with the Coast Guard, ensuring accuracy and correctness throughout the process. We can help you navigate the documentation process effortlessly, giving you the peace of mind to focus on your upcoming adventures.
To delve deeper into our services or initiate the filing process, visit our website and follow the user-friendly steps. Good luck on your journeys!