How Our Coast Guard Portal Helps Boat Owners from All Walks Of Life

Coast Guard Portal

Does updating your vessel documentation feel difficult? Do you find yourself putting it off time and again? If so, you aren’t alone. So many vessel owners wait until the last second to complete their vessel forms. With as challenging as it’s been in the past, that’s understandable. We created our Coast Guard portal with one simple idea: it should be easy to change your forms. 

Navigating the murky waters of vessel documentation can feel like an endless voyage through a sea of paperwork. Here at the National Documentation Portal, we have an entire range of forms for every stage of vessel ownership. Moreover, we make them easy to fill out in just a matter of moments. 

Streamlined Vessel Documentation Solutions

If you’ve ever attempted to tackle multiple vessel documentation forms in one go, you understand the time-consuming nature of the process. That’s precisely why we’ve consolidated virtually all the necessary documentation forms into a single, convenient platform. 

Say farewell to the days of scouring multiple websites for initial documentation and renewals. No more going from one website to another just to locate a Notice of Claim of Lien or a Preferred Ship’s Mortgage. Everything you need is right here, easily accessible in one centralized hub.

Support for Your Documentation Journey

Embarking on the vessel documentation process can feel isolating, but, when you go through our portal, you aren’t alone on this voyage. Our dedicated team of experts stands ready to assist you every step of the way. 

From reviewing your forms to rectifying any errors we encounter, our document processors ensure smooth sailing. Many of them have several years of experience in filling out these forms. So, they can find any fix any errors you might have in minutes flat. 

A Truly Mobile-Friendly Coast Guard Portal

Who wants to be tethered to a desk while completing vessel documentation online? Certainly not us, and we suspect you feel the same. That’s why our platform is fully optimized for mobile devices. 

Whether you’re at the gym, in the office, attending a meeting, enjoying lunch, conducting business at the bank, docked at port, or anywhere else with internet access, our forms are at your fingertips. 

Wherever you roam, our mobile-friendly interface ensures you can seamlessly fill out vessel documentation from virtually any device. 

Coast Guard Portal

The Forms for Updating Your Information 

Yes, we have all of the forms for getting your initial Certificate of Documentation, renewing it, updating it, and so forth. Additionally, we have forms for changing your vessel’s name, too. Yes, you have to pick a name at the very beginning, sure, but you don’t have to stay with it forever. At our site, changing your vessel’s name is a breeze. 

Changing Boat Names

When acquiring a pre-owned vessel, you might find yourself wanting to alter its documented name. To do so, submission of paperwork to the Coast Guard for approval is necessary. Form CG-1258 facilitates this process, though mortgage company consent may also be required if there’s an existing mortgage on the vessel.

Change Your Endorsements, Too 

With the “Change of Endorsement/Trade Indicator” form, you can update your vessel’s endorsement. Through this, you can always use your vessel in the manner you would prefer. 

Selecting the appropriate endorsement for your vessel is vital for compliance with Coast Guard regulations. Incorrect endorsements can lead to various issues, necessitating careful consideration. While endorsement changes are possible, it’s preferable to make informed decisions initially. Each endorsement has distinct Coast Guard requirements.


Transporting goods or passengers within U.S. navigable waters or the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) falls under the Coastwise endorsement. Generally extending about two hundred nautical miles off U.S. coasts, the EEZ encompasses these activities.

Fishery and Registry

Similar to Coastwise, the Fishery endorsement pertains to fishing activities in U.S. waters or the EEZ. Conversely, the Registry endorsement is geared towards foreign trade ventures.


For those intending to use their vessel solely for recreational purposes, the Recreation endorsement is suitable. Unlike other endorsements, vessels with this designation are restricted to recreational use only. 

Many opt for this endorsement to be eligible for a Preferred Ship’s Mortgage. Through our portal, you can change your endorsement to anything you would like. 

Change Your Hailing Port, Too 

The hailing port designated in the Coast Guard Portal is usually the managing owner’s closest residence port. Exceptions may arise depending on usage patterns. Evaluating the primary docking or usage location of the vessel helps identify the suitable hailing port.

A Comprehensive Vessel Documentation Platform for Your Vessel 

From the initial quest for information to securing the vessel of your dreams, navigating the intricacies of initial documentation, renewals, Preferred Ship’s Mortgages, and beyond, our platform is your compass for every stage of vessel ownership. 

Discover the Seamless Renewal Process at Coast Guard Portal

Opt for stress-free multi-year renewals and bid adieu to yearly hassles. Explore our comprehensive range of services to simplify your vessel ownership journey.

To see how we can help, click here