How to Draw Up a Boat Trailer Bill of Sale

boat trailer bill of sale

A bill of sale is essentially a record of a large (valuable) purchase, and it acts as a documented agreement between a seller and a buyer that lays out the specific details of the transaction, namely price, and conditions. It helps to eliminate the prospect of any miscommunication later down the line.

When it comes to boat trailers, the rules for bills of sale are no different from the rules for things like travel trailers and utility trailers, in the sense that bill of sale is an important part of the buying and selling process. Unlike vessels, boats, and watercraft, trailers do not have to be registered with the coast guard, but the likelihood is that many vessel owners will also own a boat trailer especially if they don’t have a permanent mooring berth. Trailers, however, do need to be registered with the DMV!

If you are about to complete the purchase or sale of a boat trailer, then here is some essential information on how to draw up a boat trailer bill of sale.

Names And Contact Information

The first thing that needs to be included on the bill of sale is the names and contact information of both the buyer and the seller. It might seem like an obvious point to make, but you would be surprised how many people are not experienced in the drawing up of any kind of official or legal document!

Trailer Information

Next, are the details and information relating to the trailer that is being transferred from the seller to the buyer. This will include everything including VIN, model, make, and the year of manufacture. You essentially need to include every detail of the trailer that is distinct to the vehicle in question.


Another essential piece of information to include is, of course, the exact amount of money that is being transferred from the buyer to the seller for possession of the boat trailer. Making the final sale price clear on the bill of sale is vital because it prevents dissent in any potential future disputes about how much money actually exchanged hands.

boat trailer bill of sale

Conditions Of Sale

Finally, you need to include all and any conditions of the sale, including things like ‘as is’ status and any warranties that are being offered, and concessions that are being made between the seller and buyer. It is important to get all of these potential caveats listed on the bill of sale so that you have something to refer back to in the future if there ever happens to be a complaint or a problem that arises.

If you need any more help and assistance with drawing up a boat trailer bill of sale or need any documents relating to boat ownership, then you’ll find what you need at There is the full set of all Coast Guard documentation available online and to download.  The site will help to make things a lot clearer for you in your mission to sort all boat paperwork out in a professional and accurate manner.