The Builder or Overseer of Construction
Build evidence is generally provided by the individual or company responsible for constructing the vessel. For vessels used in fisheries or coastwise trade, proof of U.S. construction is required.
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Comprehensive Boat Documentation Services with the National Documentation Portal
From submitting build evidence to renewing or obtaining vessel documentation, the National Documentation Portal is your trusted resource for all maritime documentation needs.
The following boat documentation laws may fit you and your vessel:
Subpart F—Build Requirements for Vessel Documentation
- 67.95 Requirement for determination.
Evidence that a vessel was built in the United States must be on file for any vessel for which a coastwise or fishery endorsement is sought, unless the vessel is otherwise qualified for those endorsements under subpart J of this part.
[CGD 89-007, CGD 89-007a, 58 FR 60266, Nov. 15, 1993, as amended by USCG-2009-0702, 74 FR 49230, Sept. 25, 2009]
- 67.97 United States built.
To be considered built in the United States a vessel must meet both of the following criteria:
(a) All major components of its hull and superstructure are fabricated in the United States; and
(b) The vessel is assembled entirely in the United States.
- 67.99 Evidence of build.
(a) Evidence of the facts of build may be either a completed original form CG-1261, or other original document containing the same information, executed by a person having personal knowledge of the facts of build because that person:
(1) Constructed the vessel;
(2) Supervised the actual construction of the vessel; or
(3) Is an officer or employee of the company which built the vessel and has examined the records of the company concerning the facts of build of the vessel.
(b) A vessel owner applying for documentation must file a separate certificate from each builder involved in the construction of the vessel.
(c) A Manufacturer’s Certificate of Origin is not evidence of the facts of build.
- 67.101 Waiver of evidence of build.
(a) A vessel owner applying for documentation unable to obtain the evidence of build required by § 67.99 may apply for a waiver of that requirement to the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center.
(b) No waiver of the requirement in § 67.99 to produce evidence of build may be granted unless the applicant provides:
(1) A written request for the waiver, explaining why the evidence required by § 67.99 cannot be furnished; and
(2) Competent and persuasive evidence of the facts of build.
[CGD 89-007, CGD 89-007a, 58 FR 60266, Nov. 15, 1993, 58 FR 65131, Dec. 13, 1993, as amended by CGD 95-014, 60 FR 31604, June 15, 1995; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998]
Subpart G—Tonnage and Dimension Requirements for Vessel Documentation
- 67.105 Requirement for determination.
The gross and net tonnage and dimensions of a vessel must be determined:
(a) For initial documentation;
(b) Whenever there is a change in the gross or net tonnage or dimensions of a documented vessel; or
(c) When the gross or net tonnage of a vessel returning to documentation has changed since the vessel was last documented.
- 67.107 System of measurement; evidence.
(a) The gross and net tonnage and dimensions of a vessel for purposes of this part are determined in accordance with 46 CFR part 69.
(b) A certificate of measurement issued by an authorized official is the only acceptable evidence of the gross and net tonnage of a vessel measured in accordance with subpart B, C, or D of 46 CFR part 69. A certificate of measurement is not issued for vessels measured under subpart E of 46 CFR part 69 since the gross and net tonnage are determined as part of the documentation process.
[CGD 89-007, CGD 89-007a, 58 FR 60266, Nov. 15, 1003, as amended by USCG-2001-10224, 66 FR 48620, Sept. 21, 2001]
Subpart H—Assignments and Designations Required for Vessel Documentation
- 67.111 Assignment of official number.
(a) The owner of a vessel must submit an Application for Initial Issue, Exchange, or Replacement of Certificate of Documentation; or Redocumentation (form CG-1258) to the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center, to apply for an official number for the vessel when:
(1) Application is made for initial documentation of the vessel; or
(2) An existing vessel has been severed, with two or more vessels resulting. In this case, the official number of the original vessel is retired and the owner of each resulting vessel must apply for designation of a new official number.
(b) Upon receipt of form CG-1258, the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center will have an official number assigned to the vessel and furnish it to the vessel owner.
[CGD 89-007, CGD 89-007a, 58 FR 60266, Nov. 15, 1993, 58 FR 65131, Dec. 13, 1993, as amended by CGD 95-014, 60 FR 31604, June 15, 1995; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998]
- 67.113 Managing owner designation; address; requirement to report change of address.
The owner of each vessel must designate a managing owner on the Application for Initial Issue, Exchange, or Replacement of Certificate of Documentation; or Redocumentation (CG-1258).
(a) The managing owner of a vessel owned by one person is the owner of the vessel.
(b) The managing owner of a vessel owned by more than one person must be one of the owners. The person designated as managing owner must have an address in the United States except where no owner of the vessel has an address in the United States.
(c) The managing owner of a vessel owned in a trust arrangement must be one of the trustees.
(d) The address of the managing owner must be as follows:
(1) For an individual, any residence of the managing owner.
(2) For a partnership, its address:
(i) In the State under whose laws it is organized; or
(ii) Of its principal place of business.
(3) For a corporation, its address:
(i) For service of process within the State of incorporation; or
(ii) Of its principal place of business.
(e) Whenever the address of the managing owner changes, the managing owner shall notify the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center within 10 days.
[CGD 89-007, CGD 89-007a, 58 FR 60266, Nov. 15, 1993; 58 FR 65131, Dec. 13, 1993, as amended by CGD 95-014, 60 FR 31604, June 15, 1995; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52190, Sept. 30, 1998]
- 67.117 Vessel name designation.
(a) The owner of a vessel must designate a name for the vessel on the Application for Initial Issue, Exchange, or Replacement of Certificate of Documentation; or Redocumentation (form CG-1258) submitted to the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center:
(1) Upon application for initial documentation of the vessel; or
(2) When the owner elects to change the name of the vessel.
(b) The name designated:
(1) Must be composed of letters of the Latin alphabet or Arabic or Roman numerals;
(2) May not be identical, actually or phonetically, to any word or words used to solicit assistance at sea; and
(3) May not contain nor be phonetically identical to obscene, indecent, or profane language, or to racial or ethnic epithets.
(c) The name of a documented vessel may not be changed without the prior approval of the Director, National Vessel Documentation Center.
(d) Until such time as the owner of a vessel elects to change the name of a vessel, the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section do not apply to vessels validly documented before January 1, 1994.
[CGD 89-007, CGD 89-007a, 58 FR 60266, Nov. 15, 1993; 58 FR 65131, Dec. 13, 1993, as amended by CGD 95-014, 60 FR 31604, June 15, 1995; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52191, Sept. 30, 1998]
- 67.119 Hailing port designation.
(a) Upon application for any Certificate of Documentation in accordance with subpart K of this part, the owner of a vessel must designate a hailing port to be marked upon the vessel.
(b) The hailing port must be a place in the United States included in the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Federal Information Processing Standards Publication 55DC.
(c) The hailing port must include the State, territory, or possession in which it is located.
(d) The Director, National Vessel Documentation Center has final authority to settle disputes as to the propriety of the hailing port designated.
(e) Until such time as the vessel owner elects to designate a new hailing port, the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section do not apply to vessels which were issued a Certificate of Documentation before July 1, 1982.
[CGD 89-007, CGD 89-007a, 58 FR 60266, Nov. 15, 1993, as amended by CGD 95-014, 60 FR 31604, June 15, 1995; USCG-1998-4442, 63 FR 52191, Sept. 30, 1998]
Subpart I—Marking Requirements for Vessel Documentation
- 67.120 General requirement.
No Certificate of Documentation issued under this part will be deemed valid for operation of the vessel until the vessel is marked in accordance with this subpart.
- 67.121 Official number marking requirement.
The official number of the vessel, preceded by the abbreviation “NO.” must be marked in block-type Arabic numerals not less than three inches in height on some clearly visible interior structural part of the hull. The number must be permanently affixed to the vessel so that alteration, removal, or replacement would be obvious. If the official number is on a separate plate, the plate must be fastened in such a manner that its removal would normally cause some scarring of or damage to the surrounding hull area.
- 67.123 Name and hailing port marking requirements.
(a) For vessels other than those covered in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, the name of the vessel must be marked on some clearly visible exterior part of the port and starboard bow and the stern of the vessel. The hailing port of the vessel must be marked on some clearly visible exterior part of the stern of the vessel.
(b) Vessels with square bow. For vessels having a square bow, the name of the vessel must be marked on some clearly visible exterior part of the bow in a manner to avoid obliteration. The name and hailing port must be marked on some clearly visible exterior part of the stern.
(c) Recreational vessels. For vessels documented exclusively for recreation, the name and hailing port must be marked together on some clearly visible exterior part of the hull.
(d) The markings required by paragraphs (a), (b), and (c) of this section, which may be made by the use of any means and materials which result in durable markings, must be made in clearly legible letters of the Latin alphabet or Arabic or Roman numerals not less than four inches in height.
- 67.125 Disputes.
The OCMI for the zone in which the vessel is principally operated has final authority in any disputes concerning the permanence, durability, legibility, or placement of a vessel’s markings.
Subpart J—Application for Special Qualifications for Vessel Documentation
- 67.130 Submission of applications.
All applications made under this subpart and all subsequent filings to effect documentation, except as provided in § 67.133(b), must be submitted to the National Vessel Documentation Center.
[CGD 95-014, 60 FR 31604, June 15, 1995]
- 67.131 Forfeited vessels.
In addition to any other submissions required by this part, the owner of a forfeited vessel applying for a Certificate of Documentation for that vessel must submit the following:
(a) Where the vessel has been adjudged forfeit, or the proceeds of the sale of the vessel have been adjudged forfeit to the Federal Government of the United States by a Federal District Court, a copy of the court order certified by an official of the court;
(b) Where the vessel was forfeited to the Federal Government of the United States under an administrative forfeiture action, an affidavit from an officer of the agency which performed the forfeiture who has personal knowledge of the particulars of the vessel’s forfeiture or a Declaration of Forfeiture issued by the agency which performed the forfeiture.
- 67.132 Special legislation.
(a) Vessels not otherwise entitled to be operated in the coastwise trade or in the fisheries may obtain these privileges as a result of special legislation by the Congress of the United States.
(b) In addition to any other submissions required by this part, the owner of a vessel which is entitled to engage in a specified trade because it is the subject of special legislation must include a copy of the legislation to establish the entitlement.
[CGD 89-007, CGD 89-007a, 58 FR 60266, Nov. 15, 1993, as amended by USCG-2009-0702, 74 FR 49230, Sept. 25, 2009]