If you’ve read these blogs for any length of time, then you know that we offer a way to handle all of your US vessel documentation online. You can go through our site, find all of the forms that you need, and then fill them out in a matter of minutes. However, we’re not content with just that. We’re always looking for ways to enhance our site, to improve it, to make it that much better. By continually improving it, we can give our customers an even better experience.

SSL Encryption: Better Security
Security is paramount for our company. First and foremost, we have to be able to protect our clients’ information. When someone comes to our site and fills out a documentation form, the last thing they should worry about is whether or not they are going to have their data stolen. That is why we provide our clients with the kind of rock-solid security they deserve. To make it even better, we’ve recently utilized SSL encryption. This can make our site virtually impenetrable so that our clients can use our forms with peace of mind.
Less to Worry About
As you may know, you have to renew your vessel’s registration once a year. This can be a real pain for some: we all get busy, we all have plenty to do, so it’s not always easy to remember to renew your registration. So, we’ve made it possible to renew your registration for years in advance. Instead of going year by year, when you register your vessel with us, you can register it for up to five years in advance. That way, for the next half-decade, you’ll be able to use your vessel when you want without any concerns about losing registration. We see it as one more way that we can help our customers.
Faster Service
We always move as quickly as possible at Vessel Documentation Online. That said, we know that there are some clients who don’t have time to waste when it comes to their documentation. They need to get their forms back as soon as possible. We respect that. To help these clients out, we have a “rush processing” option. If you opt for that, we’ll put you at the top of the queue. Our service is always fast, but for those with special considerations, we want to be able to help you in any way that we can.
Always Improving Your US Vessel Documentation Experience
That’s just what we’re doing right now. We’ll be doing even more in a few weeks, months, and years from now. This blog was written during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we never closed. Our customers are still getting the service that they need from our site as well as through our trained, professional staff. Vessels and vessel documentation will always be a part of life, so we want to be there for vessel owners like ourselves. For more info, you can call the Vessel Documentation Online team at (866) 981-8783.